Who We Are

RIG stands for Restoring Issachar’s Generation, a mission based on 1 Chronicles 12:32: “The sons of Issachar who had an understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do.” The ministry’s vision is to restore the apostolic and prophetic ministry back into the Body of Christ and to equip this generation to be in a position and condition for use by God.


Apostle Samuel and Prophetess LaToya Kanza are visionary leaders, passionate about empowering this generation to be in a position to be used by God. As parents to three beautiful children—Zion Grace, Elijah, and Levi—they understand the importance of building strong families and are passionate about developing impactful generations to come. 

In 2019, they planted their first church in Ottawa, Canada, pastoring faithfully for four years before transitioning leadership to answer a greater call. Their passion for transformation extended into their church, where they hosted radical prophetic and deliverance services, equipping many to walk in freedom and transformation in Christ.

With a burden for their community and call to strengthen families, they became known for their impact in feeding and clothing over 200 families weekly across Ottawa. They also founded two organizations that served hundreds of youth, helping them break out of poverty by providing free educational and creative programs, designed to raise healed and impactful young leaders. 

In pursuit of deeper training and alignment with their apostolic mandate, they relocated to Alberta, Canada, to submit to and train under RIG Nation. After 1.5 years of ministerial training, they temporarily moved to Houston, Texas, where they attended RIG University, being discipled directly under Apostle Tomi Arayomi and Prophetess Tahmar Arayomi. Upon graduating from the Apostolic Term, they were commissioned as the leaders of RIG Global Edmonton, a church dedicated to raising prophetic pioneers and equipping the body for Kingdom advancement.

With a heart for revival, transformation, and equipping believers to move in the supernatural, Apostles Samuel and LaToya Kanza continue to lead with boldness, faith, and unwavering dedication to the gospel.

Meet The Founders

Apostle Tomi & Prophetess Tahmar Arayomi

Apostle Tomi and Prophetess Tahmar Arayomi are a dynamic couple called to the ministry of transformation—both on a personal and national level. Together, they serve as co-founders of RIG Nation, a global movement dedicated to restoring the apostolic and prophetic ministry in the Body of Christ.

Apostle Tomi is a recognized governmental prophet, known for his national and personal prophetic accuracy. He has had the privilege of consulting prophetically with leaders of nations in their homes, at the United Nations, and in Parliament. In 2019, just months before the world went into lockdown, he was led by the Lord to relaunch RIG Nation, originally founded in 2007. RIG stands for Restoring Issachar’s Generation, based on 1 Chronicles 12:32: “The sons of Issachar who had an understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do.” Since then, RIG Nation has grown exponentially, launching apostolic centers in London, Lagos, and most recently, the USA.

In April 2020, Apostle Tomi launched Pioneers Church as an online church, which, along with prophetic training and social commentary programs, has garnered an international audience of over 100,000 subscribers on RIG Nation’s YouTube channel. During the lockdown, he filmed over 100 training videos, forming the foundation of the RIG School of Apostles and Prophets.

Prophetess Tahmar Arayomi is the founder of Daughters of the Prophet, a mentor, prophetic trainer, and property investor. She encountered the Lord at the age of nine and was filled with the Holy Spirit by ten. After training at the RIG School of Apostles and Prophets in 2013 and under Dr. Sharon Stone and Christian International Europe, she stepped fully into ministry in 2015 when she married Apostle Tomi. She was commissioned as a Prophetess in 2022 and carries a passion for raising and equipping prophetic voices.

Together, Apostle Tomi and Prophetess Tahmar are dedicated to training people to be prophets and prophets to be people. They reside in Houston, TX, with their three sons, leading a movement that empowers believers to discern the times and walk boldly in their calling.

Creating a space for you to…


A Foundation of Faith

At RIG Global Edmonton, we believe that everything starts with faith in Jesus Christ. He is our foundation, our hope, and the source of true transformation. We are committed to helping people encounter God, grow in their understanding of His Word, and develop a faith that is unshakable. No matter where you are on your journey, we invite you to believe in His promises, experience His presence, and walk boldly in the calling He has for your life.

Scripture: "Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’" – John 14:6 (NKJV)


A Place For You

At RIG Global Edmonton, you are more than just a visitor—you are family. We believe that church is more than a building; it’s a community where you are seen, valued, and loved. No matter your background or where you are in your faith journey, there is a place for you here. Through fellowship, discipleship, and genuine connections, we create an environment where you can grow in faith, find support, and walk alongside others as we pursue God together.

Scripture: "So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another." – Romans 12:5 (NKJV)


Impacting The World Together

At RIG Global Edmonton, we believe that faith is not just something we receive—it’s something we grow and build upon. As we deepen our relationship with God, we are called to build strong foundations in our faith, our families, and our communities. Through discipleship, service, and kingdom-minded living, we equip believers to walk in their God-given purpose and make a lasting impact in the world. Whether through ministry, outreach, or personal spiritual growth, we are committed to building lives that reflect Christ and advance His kingdom.

Scripture: "Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing." – 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NKJV)